Learn How To Start Your Own Empire Of Profitable Niche Pay Per Click Search Engines That Pay You Every Month Like Clockwork!
by David Zohar
Small Niche Pay Per Click Search Engines Are Making Anywhere From $4000 to $40,000 A Month Totally On Autopilot!Dear Friend,
Niche marketing is all the rage online, and for good reason! Millions are being made in niche markets all over the Internet. People in their droves are selling digital products in every niche market imaginable, because that's what every "marketing guru" is now saying to do, and it is a good business, I should know, I'm doing it myself.
But, there is an even more profitable business.... One that's easy to setup, cheap to start and has very little competition. Want to know what that business is?
Niche Pay Per Click Search Engines!
Setting up a niche pay per click search engine is like setting up an income stream set on autopilot. Create it once and get paid for ever! Let me tell you what my friend, (we will call him Mr. Pay Per Click), said about his online Pay Per Click Search Engine empire.
Mr. Pay Per Click runs 4 Pay Per Click Search Engines (that he told me about) that all focus on 4 different markets. One I can tell you focuses on online gambling and is making him big money, the other 3 are on totally different subjects. *Hint* Another is on weddings.
Everyday he wakes up to find thousands of dollars in direct deposits in his bank accounts from people all over the world, fighting for positions in his search engines. Every time someone clicks on an advertisers link, he gets anywhere from 5 cents to $5 per click!
Now, not to make this guy sound like a genius, but he registers 10,000 to 15,000 clicks a day on all of his advertisers links! Let's do the math's here, and I can tell you now, that many clicks is very conservative and can be easily achieved if you follow my lead. And the best thing about this is it's all automated. He has 1 contract staff member in Canada, and his office is his laptop.
We will be conservative and say that most of the bids are at the lowest minimum 5 cents per click.
15,000 clicks X $0.05 = $750 per day!...
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