Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Consequences of Smoking in Women

Of smoking in women is very dangerous and detrimental to the health of both themselves and others, especially the unborn baby (pregnant woman). Many research facts about the effects of smoking on women in America.Facts about the consequences of smoking in women include:1. The risk of dying from lung cancer is 12 times higher among women who smoke compared with women who had never smoked.2. Smoking can affect the ability to conceive.3. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, babies born with low birth weight, and can lower the pulmonary function in the fetus (Prima, 2010). Women who do not smoke have fewer complications in pregnancy and have healthier babies than women who smoke. Smoking during pregnancy is very dangerous because it can interfere with fetal development, this is because the nicotine in cigarettes can cause constriction of blood vessels in the umbilical cord and uterus, so the amount of oxygen received by the fetus will be reduced. Nicotine also may reduce the amount of blood in the fetal blood stream resulting in babies born with low weight. In women who smoke during pregnancy can lead to rupture of the fetal membranes wrapping membrane, thus causing premature birth and even infant death.4. Causes of smoking-related deaths in women are lung cancer, and chronic lung disease. In women who smoke at age teenager would interfere with the development of the lungs, which can cause chronic coughing and wheezing. Pulmonary function is to move air from the outside into the body and vice versa, will naturally decline with age, and this decline will be faster in smokers (Prima, 2010).5. Heart disease is the number one killer of women in America (Ginnis. et al, 2007). Women usually suffer from heart disease later than men, but not so well if women smoke. In fact women smokers will suffer a heart attack 12 years sooner than women who do not smoke. This is related to the most important female hormone estrogen. In adolescence and childbearing age, these hormones protect women from heart disease. Estrogen also increases the good cholesterol in the body and also helps maintain blood circulation, thus preventing blood clots that trigger heart attack risk addition of women smokers have a risk of cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx (voice box), esophagus, pancreas, kidney, bladder bladder, cervix, particularly lung cancer is higher than male smokers (Juniarti, 2008).6. In women who smoke are more difficult to break the dependence on nicotine. Women can only break away from cigarettes but need a lot of psychological support to make it happen (Hindarto 2008).Smoking has become one of the biggest causes of death in the world. Suspected until late 2030, tobacco-related deaths will reach 10 million people per year. Estimated in 2030 no less than 70% of deaths are caused by smoking will occur in developing countries (Badwater, 2006). So it is very large due to smoking in women, because it will endanger themselves and others, including / especially the unborn baby (pregnant woman).

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