Stop Being A Victim Of The Search Engines...
"Quickly And Easily Outsmart Your Way To Six Figures Using These Powerful Black Hat Strategies!"
Slap Search Engines In The Face And Grab Top Rankings, Now!
Dear internet marketer.
Let's face it, web traffic is the lifeblood of our businesses and nobody in their right mind would ever dare contradict this. By now you have probably tried all of the latest methods of generating traffic, free and paid for.
Time for a reality check here.
How much better off is your online business now than it was a few months ago? Have you noticed a strange trend, watching your traffic dry up every month, requiring you to constantly go back to step one and start your marketing efforts all over?
I think it may be time for you to learn the very grim truth about the "silent partner in your business" who's getting pretty fat on your back as you do all of the hard work - over and over again.
The Search Engines are cheating you!
You see, not content with the idea of making you pay good money in order to gain their "friendship" and have your ads featured on their networks, the powers behind "organic traffic" are on a mission to starve your business to death.
Fortunately, there are many ways to outsmart the search engines at their own game using speed and stealth techniques, which are all covered in great detail in Black Hat SEO for Beginners.
This little game of power has been going on behind the scenes for years now, and with every new change to these giants' terms of service, webmasters around the world are losing inches of their freedom, and profits.
This silent robbing has already taken many succesfull businesses to the ground, and yours could be next on the list.
Why is it that search engines are allowed to have so much power online? Because they get all the traffic, and whoever has traffic makes the rules in the world "wild west".
They know that as long as people like us are happy with the crumbs, they can keep on changing the rules as they see fit and grow their wallets fat.
And because the search engines have been unfairly given so much power over the last decade, it is now more important than ever that you learn how to apply new techniques to your marketing arsenal that will make your business stand out on its own and regain its authority.
Techniques that will still be working next month as search engines keep adding new loops to their terms of use and changing the rules of the game to their advantage.
But It's For Your Own Good! Or Is It??? more..
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