Game on-line as one of the latest types of entertainment, which provide the latest features that are very diverse in number, causing the phenomenon and the latest issue for this generation. as a means of entertainment, games on-line is not a problem, the problem is the reliance on nge-games activity for some people.
If you pay attention and been on several internet cafes (cafe), there is even a special cafe for services on-line games, then you will see that most of the users and internet users are addicted to games on-line. The on-line games addicts mostly aged children and teens. It is conceivable, how the effect of games on-line for their psychological growth.
Activity on-line gaming is the most dangerous access to the development of children and adolescents after access pornographic contents. If the content of pornography, the government considered dangerous, then the games on-line is that legal access, and even some internet service providers, specifically to provide special content on-line games.
In terms of on-line games where psychologically harmful? As already mentioned briefly above, that is a dangerous dependence on activity nge-games. In fact many children, who deliberately set aside their allowances to be playing games on-line. Dependence on activity nge-games, will reduce the positive activities that should be undertaken by children at their developmental age. Even seen that many cases, reliance on nge-games activity continues in adulthood (during college). Children who experience dependence on activity games, will reduce the time to learn and time to socialize with their peers. If this continues for a long time, the child is thought to be pulling away in social interaction, is not sensitive to the environment, could even form the asocial personality, where children do not have the ability to adapt to the social environment.
Most users say that games, games can sharpen their brains, how to solve the problems that exist in the games, and upgrade their skills on a daily basis, which not everyone can do it. Basically, proficiency in games simply because often repeat, there are no real side capabilities that can be demonstrated in a real world. Keep in mind that we live in the real social world, not the virtual world. Problem solving in the virtual world, can not even practiced in a real social dunis. Expertise in the real world is a real life. The virtual world is only as a means of facilitating and learning tool, or just as simply as a means of entertainment, not as the main focus in life. This may differ with my friends who are doing business on-line.
The truth is, it can set the time between activities nge-games with real-world activity. Do not get away from the real world activity, which is the main place to play games.
Juvenile dependency on on-line games activities requires attention from various parties, including government, parents or employers engaged in Internet services. Do not let the presence of on-line games make this generation does not have any skills,except for his Traffic in playing games.